Double TYs
It is a big day for Haley Roneese, my 2nd daughter. It is her 4th month today and we are so grateful. I posted updated pictures of her in my FB account.
What can I say? As a Mom, I've been so amazed how fast they grow up. It wasn't too long ago when I was still carrying Ate Keanna in my arms and now it is her who's very eager to carry her sister. They are so fond of each other. As one of Roey's (baby's nickname) milestones, she squeals at the sight of her Dad or her big sister Keanna. She would smile and laugh whenever Keanna starts to point to her nose or touch her cheeks. It is so overwhelming to watch them having fun. I really thank GOD for so many blessings, most importantly, for having Roey and K. The photo insert is me with Roey and it was Keanna who took the shot.
The second reason why I'd like to send my double thanks is that Ate K won 1st place in their declamation contest yesterday. The winners were announced, we've heard their names, Keanna not included. I was saddened but in question, honestly. I found myself already thinking of the right way on how will I approach either the judges or announcer just to inquire why Keanna didn't win. She delivered her piece with mastery which is 30% of the criteria. Her classmate did well too but somehow made a mistake in his delivery. That same mistake happened with Keanna too, last year. She didn't win that time, didn't make it even just a 3rd placer. Good thing, Mr. Antonio Go which is one of the judges noticed the mistake (he's really keen about it as we all know - he's the man behind the fight against error filled books) and stood up, said something and Mr. Dizon went on ahead and announced that Keanna won 1st place too. Having heard her name was announced, Keanna delightfully approached me and we walked up to the stage. I'm so proud of her and really thankful that the award brought back her confidence. This was her 1st award in declamation since Grade school. She never failed getting an award though in the same field when it was her Kinder and Preparatory years. For once, I thought I'll accompany a sobbing princess, haha! I have a video of Keanna delivering her piece and took pictures of her classmates too. Congrats my sweetie, keep up the good work!
With all these, I have not but just double TYs... I have EVERYTHING to thank for. To HIM be the glory! What wonderful it is to be a MOM!