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gadget and toys lover

So can you tell me how she loves gadgets.

This photo shows pretty gifts from Tita Ched and Tita Gretel.

Showing off, she thinks she knows everything about biking already.

Keanna at 4 yo beside her ever fave puppy which was a gift from my Mama.

We already have a PC at home but when we visit my Parents-in-law, she would always ask permission if she can play. Haha!

I think she's beginning ot develop her interest in photography too...she took a pic of herself.

Here's a photo of her showing off her GB with friend Isabel.

I still have lots of toys stored for her.


Fashion Fashion Fashion

Happy Ruby Tuesday everyone!
There are some items in red so I decided to use this as my entry for this week...haha!

This is the most updated photo of my boutique in Fashion World via FB again...


Virtual Farm

Now this is a photo of my FarmVille in Facebook.
It showcases beautiful sunflowers.



A sweet book lover!

Her love of books shows by looking at these photos...
these were taken at Powerbooks, Trinoma.

She was still into DORA The Explorer at that time.

She has a collection of different kinds of books. Just recently bought a book from their school's book fair. She's also bought 2 books before (when I was still pregnant) and said that the books were for her soon-to-be-sister. How sweet no?

a late entry to

mommy moments


The Magic of Science

Cool trick eh?
That's science!

Happy RT everyone!


Red as blood

My pretty niece Kate dressed as the pretty and famous Snow White.
She looks so grown up but she's just 10.

Happy Ruby Tuesday!


learning to shop...

One fine day at the SM Hypermart The Block...

Photos were taken 4yrs back.

My late entry to...

mommy moments


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