Pregnancy, Labor, and Celebration
A kumare was lucky to conceive I think just few wks after our talk of wanting to get preggy and she gave birth last February. Her good news made me more hopeful and excited but made me realize that we've been trying for almost 2 yrs already. The thought, rather the fact made me whisper a different prayer... I constantly wished to conceive but last January, my prayer shifted to something else. I prayed that it's okay if it's not yet the time for me to conceive again, I surrender. I stopped wishing to get pregnant. I told HIM that I'm willing to wait, "IKAW NA PO ANG BAHALA" were exactly my words.
I so LOVE HIM! When I surrendered everything to HIM, that's when HE granted my prayers. I got pregnant and we are all so happy. We are so thankful
My pregnancy isn't easy like when it was with Ate Keanna. I always feel dizzy, sleepy, tired and irritable. I even had those morning sickness you call but they don't occur in the morning but always in the afternoon. Luckily, my schedule at work changed. For 4 yrs and 11 mos, I was on a night or graveyard shift. That sched gave me "irregular periods and hormonal imbalance". I need to ask for help from my OB-Gyne and last August of 2008, my period went back on a regular basis. Last April, I got included to those who were given day shift schedule. It somehow made my "paglilihi" easier. I get to walk after shift at SM Makati and buy anything (food) that I want. Hubby was a lot more supportive this time as well. I craved for kernel corn, fuji apples and Buko Pandan Zagu. I remember hubby gamingly went out one late night just to buy me a kilo of fuji apples. Haha!
I had difficulty traveling especially when my tummy grew bigger. I also felt a slight pain in my left hip which made me walk like a penguin. I had to ask for Leave of Absence several times to rest and ensure our safety. I was told that I might give birth early since my tummy has grown big and it's already low. A nurse from our clinic thought that my 5mo old tummy was already 7 months. No one would want to give birth prematurely of course, I had to go on LOA again. I then decided to go on ML October 1 since by LMP my due date was October 16. It could have been because of rest that baby arrived after 41 wks of pregnancy.
I wanted to give birth first week of October or until October 23. But of course, it is HIS decision that will prevail. I was so "inip" already and can no longer remember how will I know when it's time or how painful it is. Never it was painful when I was to give birth to Keanna. I was a cool mom at that time...7 years ago. I felt pain the night of October 17, I asked hubby to get at least 3-4 hrs of sleep and if the pain will not subside, we'll rush off to the hospital.Since the contractions were of 10-15 mins interval already, I decided to take a bath again at 3am. I guess that decision made baby cool off...just after bathing, contractions were gone. The next week was spent praying, walking, playing scrabble online (haha) and eating. I also decided to research on how to enduce labor naturally and tried few of them last October 26. I squatted and moved my hips, I walked until I am so tired of walking. I ate spicy chili wings for breakfast and lunch. I danced (even if it wasn't included on the list) and I guess those crazy things invited contractions. Yes, I felt pain this time. It was not like this when I was on labor with Keanna. Interval was about 10-20 mins. I kept my cool, hubby was FB-ing when I felt a discharge. I am always uneasy whenever I feel that, so I went to the bathroom to change but found out that it's already "the show". It's not an ordinary discharge but a show of blood. I called out hubby and he got up quickly to check. He went upstairs and changed his clothes while I changed mine too downstairs. (I have my clothes ready in my bag).
I was advised by my OB Gyne to look for a resident doctor first and they guided me to the labor room with an intern to monitor my contractions. The resident OB said she can't tell if I'm fully dilated or not since my cervix is so posterior she can't reach it.Another OB tried after I was admitted at around 1am but said the same thing, it's soft but she can't reach it.Hubby managed to get a room for us but I was left at the labor room. I managed to take a nap, woke up...took few more minutes of sleep and woke up again. The interns are so nice to take good care of me but they can't help to talk about the shape of my tummy. A foreign resident OB said that I have a heart-shaped uterus...heard her said "problem child". Oh please!

Happy 1st month sweetie ROEY!
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