MGR #1: To The Laundry Basket

An understanding of the wonders of everyday LIFE.
Aside from my daughter's little biz of selling what we Filipinos call "Halo-Halo", we also sell ice. And since it is scorching hot for the past few days, the freezer gets emptied easily. I failed to make some last night and decided to do it today instead. Here's what we have for just Php 2.50 (competitors sell their ice for Php 3.00).
I was looking for a certain photo in my multiply account when I stumbled upon these. I suddenly missed my other family...them! I have never imagined how deep our team bonded, how tight our relationships were....ARE! There were plenty of happiness, laughters, brainstorming, some dramas and tears too! However different we are from each other, we have all embraced each one's uniqueness. We have accepted our limitations, helped each one of us to develop and nurtured our talents to excel. I was gifted with friends that I consider as my family.
Last March, my kids and I attended Ehrin's birthday party. I left my camera at the party by accident. My friends Sonia and Vic gave it back to me few weeks after. They said that a service crew at Jollibee surrendered it to them.
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